BookSneeze on behalf of Thomas Nelson Publishing provided a complimentary copy of Mark Driscoll's latest Who Do You Think You Are?: Finding Your Identity in Christ. Pastor and author Driscoll leads the reader through the book of Ephesians and delves into the Apostle Paul's words of long ago. People often search long and hard for their identity through fickle fame, power and wealth. In and through Christ our identity rests. Then and only then will that innate void people long to fill be filled. Not only will it be filled, but it will be filled abundantly. There will be no need to question who we are when we know exactly what we were created for, what we were created to be and who for.
Every chapter of Who Do You Do Think You Are? reads like a great sermon with biblical exegesis, personal anecdotes and application. The author takes one portion of Ephesians at a time to explain what Paul was saying in layman's terms. Believers can read the Bible quickly missing the depth and breadth of God's Word. Driscoll takes the times, and wants you too, to fully explore the verses to unearth the treasure within. The reader will soon discover what it means to be able to say, "I am Blessed," "I am Heard," and "I am Loved," as those are a sampling of the included chapters. How do we live knowing we are saved, forgiven and ultimately, victorious? Driscoll will tell you.
This was the first book I read by Mark Driscoll, though I have seen his name for years. I am blessed to have read this book. As I read through the pages I learned a few things, was reminded of other promises and implored to live knowing where my identity hinges. It is all too easy to forget who we are and how to live when the inconveniences of daily life takes precedence of kingdom living.
Who Do You Think You Are? is a book of beautiful encouragement. It will build up the believer, assist the new believer and explain to the seeker what it is to live in God's kingdom. I encourage you to pick up this book if you have any question about your identity. Sit down with this book and you will have a pastor sitting at your side.