People complicate things more than they should. To walk the Christian way can be susceptible to the very thing that Christ opposed, living by rules. God doesn't hold a yardstick to us against any other person or what rules we have down pat. He looks upon our hearts and the love within. There are some believers who always feel they aren't doing enough, being enough nor are good enough and yet, they strive to do more, be more and be better.
Author Stovall Weems with purity of heart and sheer candor has penned The God First Life: Uncomplicate Your Life, God's Way to help believers set aside the hustle and bustle, to slow down and live for God simply. Weems wants you to put down your pen and checklist and focus on the One who matters. We can run in circles trying to make sure our reading is done, prayers are said and church is attended, but it remain meaningless if our hearts are not a part of the walk. He delves into Matthew 6:33 and intertwines that verse throughout the pages.
So you are a part of God's family, now what? I honestly wish I could have had this book my side when I began my journey. Weems untangles so many misconceptions by laying it out clearly and concisely. Any believer, particularly new believers or those feeling spiritually-challenged, will benefit form reading The God First Life. There are times when our walks become stale or we feel burdened by the stereotypes formed in churches. All those things we do become dull if they are not an expression of worship to the Almighty, an extension of our hearts.
The author never sugar coats anything or wears rose-colored glasses. Our journey can be difficult at times, it can be harried and complicated, but God never intended for us to live like that. Weems brings such clarity and fresh perspective to verses, to a way of living that a holy, fulfilling walk seems feasible for any believer no matter where they are at the moment. I would encourage everyone to pick this book up and live The God First Life.