Monday, August 16, 2010

Book Review: Embracing God's Gift

I just finished reading Captured by Grace by Dr. David Jeremiah, which I received free of charge from Booksneeze on behalf of Thomas Nelson Publishing.  Often Christians find themselves proclaiming their identity in Christ, but deep down are lacking something. They forget the grace they received from the past. Dr. Jeremiah leads the reader to claim that grace everyday by taking them on the journey to be Captured by Grace.
     In the past I have heard of Dr. Jeremiah, but never had read one of his books. I'm more than glad that I have now. Captured by Grace is a jewel of a book. He helps you seek out the treasure that God freely offers us on a daily basis. It's not that I am ungrateful, in fact I often thank God for the many blessings. However, I don't ponder enough Christ's sacrifice and in turn, what that means for me here and now and forevermore.
     I was truly humbled and came before His throne as I read the book. Dr. Jeremiah takes time to intricately weave Saul's transformation to the apostle Paul and John Newton's life-changing adventure in the slave trade into your journey. You get a rather powerful look into their lives, into their souls and in turn look into your own. God's grace clothes us in His Son's righteousness, not because we deserve it, but because He loves us so much as His children.
    Everyday we sin. Everyday we are loved. Everyday we can be Captured by Grace. This book is for anyone who knows their is no other way except through Our Savior, Jesus Christ and wants to be enveloped by His warm embrace.

1 comment:

  1. Great book reviews! Now if I can only discipline myself to read instead of FB!
