Are we praying, as Christians and children of God asking for His will to prevail in our lives? Or are we asking according to our fleshly desires? I often have wondered what prayer can look like. Is there more to it than what I know? Many Christians could stand to find deeper intimacy with Our Lord. T.W. Hunt's book Seeing the Unseen published by NavPress can encourage one to do just that. He gives a vast array of information to assist the reader to gain not only a deeper biblical understanding of prayer, but also practical advice to assist in one's spiritual maturation.
I often second guess myself and wonder if I am praying "properly". T.W. Hunt makes God seem approachable through Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. If a person does not know where to begin, they can initiate a deeper level of prayer by asking for that to occur. We can ask God for spiritual maturation, a godly perspective and the ability to discern the Spirit's promptings.
Seeing the Unseen reminds us that God already hears and knows every word you utter and/or think. In His omnipotence and omniscience , God understands what we need and what we are going to pray for. Why should we be afraid to approach our Creator in communion and request our heart's desire? (Psalm 37:4) God is just waiting for us to vocalize our desire in humbleness and meekness.
I discovered Seeing the Unseen is a volume of work that has culminated from Hunt's life-long pursuit if God. It can be a great starting point for new believers to begin their search for God or a timely reminder for seasoned believers to refresh or deepen their prayer lives.In approximately 100 pages, Hunt gives a plethora of knowledge in a compact way that doesn't intimidate the reader. I was impressed by the immense amount of information condensed in an easy-to-read book. Every chapter is approximately ten pages that are easily comprehended, yet can be perused again as a refresher. May Hunt guide you on your quest for a deeper, intimate prayer life with our Lord.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
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