Thursday, August 4, 2011

Book Review: Worth the Read

      WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing has provided me with a copy of Andy Stanley's Enemies of the Heart: Breaking Free from the Four Emotions That Control You, in exchange for a review.  Stanley, son of Charles Stanley, provides ways to overcome the four main emotions that when left unchecked can dominate our lives.  Taking the reader through the four- guilt, anger, greed and jealousy, Enemies of the Heart, subsequently has the reader examine his/her own heart.  Exercises that we can incorporate into our daily lives are then offered as counter-weights, such as confession and forgiveness.
       This isn't my first Stanley read. I find his writing to offer bits of humor interlaced with his practical guidance.  Overall, this volume is a valuable resource to manage the conditions of our hearts.  Often people, myself included, tend to bury emotions and/or experiences deep within themselves.  As these enemies take root in our lives we allow our thoughts to center on people and circumstances, rather than engaging our hearts and digging out the disease. All emotions can be handled as we turn our problems over to Our Lord.  He is the ultimate Healer, the greatest Physician.  "But in the shadow of the cross, forgiveness is merely a gift from one undeserving soul to another."
      I enjoyed most of the book, even when I found myself convicted in some areas.  Using the exercises I did find the conviction, but I also was freed from those emotions as well.  I am a very introspective person and try to keep my emotions in check.  I was a little surprised of the discrepancies that were harboring in my heart.
      However, my favorite part of Enemies of the Heart was the chapter on guiding our children to keep their hearts free from the debris life can throw at them. As a parent, whatever information I acquire I attempt to implement it in my parenting.  Hopefully some things will last for generations to come. Any believer would be well-suited to peruse Stanley's Enemies of the Heart. May God help you clean up any emotional debris and bring your heart to His freedom!

Order a copy of Enemies of the Heart here.

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