It's astonishing the amount of fun, laughter and encouragement that can be had in less than 24 hours as thousands of women come together all for the glory of the Lord. Women of Faith's
Over the Top Conference was just that,
Over the Top! The likes of Lisa Welchel- as in "Blair" from the
Facts of Life, beautiful, strong Brenda Warner, pint-size, hilariously funny gal, Patsy Clairmont, Sandi Patty and Amy Grant graced the stage Friday and Saturday night at the Honda Center in Anaheim. The limelight of center stage always focused on God and the extravagant
Over the Top grace He lavishes upon each and everyone of us in all circumstances.

Though I can't carry a tune worth, well, anything I love sharing the worship time with all of those shining faces I stand amongst. The Women of Faith Worship Team, which Mandisa joined in with often, truly uses their glorious voices to lift such exalted praise unto our Savior, Jesus Christ. As Mandisa sang, I realized that these women give their all to God, God returns the favor, filling the hearts of the ladies in attendance with His love. I often glanced over at my mom and saw tears trickling down her cheeks. When I heard my mom quietly affirming Marilyn Meberg's invitation to Christ and saw tears in her eyes, needless to say, that was the sweetest moment during the conference for me. Even if you're a believer, the Spirit seems to sweep over your heart everytime you hear a call to faith. It's a beautiful moment for a renewal of your commitment to Him. I wonder how many women came to saving faith that day? No doubt angels were rejoicing.
Every year as I sit in my seat, my heart captured as the ladies share their hearts, realizing we are not only not alone because God is with us, but we are surrounded with good company. Everyone can relate to the speakers. The topics are wide-ranging, since they have experienced life in an array of ways. Lisa Welchel spoke about friendships in adulthood and how difficult, yet necessary they are. That struck a deep chord in me. With some work I hope to be a more vulnerable friend. I'll let you know my story in five minutes, but I keep my heart just over the hill out of sight. I am a work in progress and I think Lisa awakened a project.

Every woman in Anaheim I can guarantee, walked away with something of great value. It doesn't matter if the sun is shining in their life right now or if they are in a wintry, cold season in their lives- God is with them. We are all loved, valued and esteemed by Our Awesome Creator. I hope every woman drove home with at least that truth burning in their hearts and souls.
I look forward to 2012 as the Women of Faith
Celebrate! God's love and sovereignty is always cause for celebration. You better believe it, my mom will be there at my side celebrating.
Thomas Nelson Publishing and Women of Faith provided me with two complementary tickets to the conference for honest, heart-felt reviews and posts of the event. They in no way endorse my views and opinions.
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