The title says it all, “One
of the Few.” This book stands out from many of the Christian non-fiction
books I have read. Jason Ladd invites you along for his journey from an
agnostic Marine to a seeker to a devout believer in Christ.
For the first few chapters I thought the book was to be of
light fare and here I found myself disproved by the remainder of the book. The
progression in content was interesting, as Ladd began to get into meatier
theological topics. Subsequently, in the latter third or so, the author gets
into the pragmatics of belief and what those beliefs can truly mean for one’s
He questions faith, as most do. Yet, he still forges ahead,
searching the depths of his soul. Even though, I highly doubted I would relate
to the military verbiage Ladd incorporates throughout the book, I did to the
extent I could appreciate it. The use of wartime and military analogies served One of the Few well. He uses wartime
strategy to lay out a strategic plan for spiritual warfare.
Given, I did not believe with every tenet Ladd writes, but
the heart of the book is what captured me and motivated me to continue reading.
As a woman, I found a couple chapters a little awkward, although I am sure I
gained something from them. I simply felt they were written from one man to
another. However, I related to his
seeking, his journey and foremost, his heart.
I highly recommend One
of the Few for seekers, particularly for men and those that enjoy military
history. I am left with the impression that Jason Ladd is exactly the man he
writes of, that he is a man of integrity and a passion for Christ that
continuously fuels his zest for life.

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