Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Book Review: Become the Person You Really Are

      BookSneeze recently provided me a complimentary copy of Beyond Talent by John C. Maxwell on behalf of Thomas Nelson Publishing. In Beyond Talent Maxwell claims that anyone and everyone has talent, it is a God-given gift. However, not everyone reaches their potential because they don't implement certain principles into their lives. Within 13 chapters he shows how to take your talent and strategize to reach success. A person must have belief, focus and passion invested in their talent. Maxwell uses a formula to become that person you want to be;  "TALENT + ____________ =A TALENT-PLUS PERSON PUTTING THE TALENT-PLUS FORMULA INTO ACTION."
      This being my first John C. Maxwell book I was impressed with his eloquence, as well as the ease of reading it. Some authors can get wordy in their quest for professional appearance. He definitely comes across as a professional, but with humbleness. Most chapters were easily read in one sitting even with three little ones running around.
      As a busy mom reading is my solace. I always read with an eye opened to find anything useful as it pertains to my mothering. With this in mind I found great encouragement to foster my own growth as a mother, as well as knowledge to encourage my children's talents along the way. One of the most fascinating chapters in Beyond Talent was on teachability.Am I open to being taught something new? To me that summed up my life's quest to never stop growing. "If what you are doing does not in some way contribute to what you or others are doing in life, then question its value and be prepared to make changes." Life makes a lot more sense when we don't chase things of little importance. Only when we live as people of worth as God created us, does life make sense.
     Beyond Talent may seem at first glance only for the professional or those with a dream to climb the corporate ladder. Maxwell may be a leadership trainer/consultant/author, but we all use leadership skills in some arena. Every reader can walk away with an increased knowledge of how to reach their potential, but the question lies in who will strive to reach for their star?

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