Thursday, February 10, 2011

Waiting for Rainbows

      Pneumonia, an ear infection, three trips to the ER, a severe infection, back problems, a heart condition and job loss are the adventures that punctuated our January calendar. It was difficult circumstances to endure to say the least. Only with perspective, strength and joy from the Lord were we able to endure. In fact, my family and I are still dealing with those happenings as we speak.
      On New Year's Day as my husband was at work which seems to be the norm when my youngest son needs to take a trip to the emergency room, I found myself preparing in case we needed to make that trip. The inevitable occurred as my kids watched the Rose Parade on t.v.  Unfortunately, our trips for Jacob's asthma have become so common, little fanfare is thought of. The fire department coming down our street is a normal scene every few months, sometimes happening a little more frequently.
      We have the most wonderful department close by, which when I hear the sirens now I don't think of them as a nuisance, but a blessing for our families. It also helps that my father-in-law was once a captain at that same fire station. That day we were sent home rather quickly from the hospital with antibiotics and albuterol for pneumonia. Home treatments are so much easier to deal with than seeing your little one lying in a hospital bed for days with boredom in every corner.
       My daughter made a surprise appearance in the ER towards the end of the month. When you see your six-year-old doubled over at a restaurant your heart plummets to the floor with her head.  We headed out the door before dinner was served and spent the rest of the night watching our daughter go through several tests to find what was wrong. She had a severe UTI without those normal symptoms.  Before I left my daughter and husband to pick up my boys, I prayed over Mary.  We asked for the doctors' wisdom and discernment and a quick diagnosis. Within 30 minutes after hours waiting the doctors discovered her ailment. Little did they know God was answering a prayer lifted to him in the ER. A few days later with antibiotic in her system, she managed to develop an ear infection. I was utterly amazed. At least for now our health is slowly being restored.
       In the midst of my husband's unemployment I found a quiet peace within. It seemed our circumstances were dizzying and could throw many off balance. Day in and day out God was and of course still is with us. He is there for the storms, God is there for the subsequent rainbows. Genesis 9:16, "Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.” God has made many promises to us as believers. One scripture that brings me an immense amount of peace in many circumstances is Hebrews 13:5, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”
      Some days it is easier to live with those promises in my heart. The days I find difficult I have to remind myself several times of those promises. I always find the Spirit reminding me that He is there. May God's peace and love abide in you and you in Him.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Deanna, I had no idea that January was such a rough month for you. I am amazed at your beautiful faith through it all. I pray God blesses you and your family richly this year!
