Friday, September 3, 2010

Book Review: Overcoming the Chaos

    I recently received a free copy of Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World by Dr. David Jeremiah from Booksneeze courtesy of Thomas Nelson Publishing. Dr. Jeremiah paints a vivid picture of what is wrong with the world today within a few pages. Then he takes you through the Bible verses that you can rely on to bring hope, comfort, courage and assurance to defeat the world's anxiety.
    As I began reading the first few pages I began wondering if the whole book was going to be so abrupt and to the point. I feared Dr. Jeremiah was going to start predicting the end of times.  Though he forewarns of the inevetibility of the end, the book is more focused on how to survive as Christians until then. 
    God has given us all that we need in the Bible to face life, yet often life gets so crazed we fall into our sinful nature and rely on ourselves for the answers. In Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World the reader is given God's promises and instructions on dealing with the grim worldly problems.  When financial outlooks, terrorism threats, corruption and the plethora of other problems seem to be getting worse everyday we are to view them with an eternal view. Paul instructed the churches to encourage and support one another almost two thousan years ago. That instruction still applies.
    Christians are to stay connected, consistent and hopeful among other things.  When we apply what Dr. Jeremiah writes we will find courage and confidence in our faith. Some glorious day we will be able to stand in front of Christ with due reverence and know we did what we were meant to do on this earth for him. I am truly blessed for having read Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World

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