Thursday, September 20, 2012

Book Review: Good Read to Find Your Way

     I would like to thank BookSneeze on behalf of Thomas Nelson Publishing for a complimentary copy of Phil Cooke's One Big Thing: Discovering What You Were Born to Do. It seems simple enough, just state your big purpose in life. Do you find yourself stumbling for an anwer? Many of us find ourselves running around the world trying to make heads or tails of our day-to-day lives. Where does that leave your purpose? Often in the muck and mire of busyness. Phil Cooke sets out on a mission to lead the reader to their life's "one big thing." Since, we are not made from a cookie cutter and are unique in our own ways, it can be hard to find our purpose when the world wants to press you into its mold. However, this book allows you to discover what makes you you and what direction that can lead you in.
     In 171 pages, Cooke asks you a series of questions and manages to complete his part in this mission. Once you understand your "thing," what then? One Big Thing helps you pinpoint your purpose, explains perception and image, how to take charge and navigates you in the right direction. Please don't misunderstand, Cooke does not tell you what to do, but inspires you to set out on your own course. He also brings many examples of success and failure to the table to illustrate where good and bad choices matter. The masters of different fields did not find their callings by accident, but by understanding their hearts, recognizing their talents and having the drive to do something about it.
     Honestly, I was quick to judge. I believe I made a sound such as, "Ugh!" or that dreaded, sarcastic, "Oh, this is going to be fun." Apparently, the adage, "Don't judge a book by its cover," should also be applied to the first few pages. Usually, I know better. How wrong I was. Let me just say, by the end of the book I had admit what my "one big thing" is, in affirmation of my suspicions and trepidation. Not only that, I thoroughly enjoyed every chapter (even the first by the end).
     One Big Thing is not an easy answer to your life's mysteries. However, it may be the catalyst you need to boost your life and get it off the ground. Cooke's book brings you the questions that will help you discover who God has created you to be. As a note, I found it refreshing to see a person entwined with the entertainment industry successful, yet faithful to our God. Bravo, Mr. Cooke. My dear, fellow reader, may you discover your One Big Thing.

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